Awareness of our thoughts, feelings and how our brain processes different physical sensations is fascinating and fun to explore. Knowing that we can train our brains to focus awareness intentionally, means we are in the best place for changing and growing.
This changing and growing starts with our minds. Our brains are intriguing; we have magnificent minds that never stop growing. Humans are instinctively curious about things, and - when we remember that we are in control - we can use our minds to have fun, learn new things, develop empathy and explore new possibilities for how we live our lives.
This can be challenging. I have just experienced a whirlwind few days full of exciting conversations with like-minded people, hospital appointments and two physio appointments for a healing fracture. Pain has been a feature of the past month; today, I woke up overwhelmed. Having an off button for our busy minds would be so easy, but we don't. So, instead, I have set an intention to be kind to myself and be aware of what my body needs (or doesn't need). I am going to try to eat well and rest. It doesn't matter how many strategies we have in our wellbeing basket; we still have days that feel impossible. A clear awareness of the impact this has on our bodies and minds can help us to take better care of ourselves during these ‘off days'.
Some examples of self-care are reading, baking, playing an instrument or walking in the woods. During these activities, try using the simple breathing technique to notice how you feel before, during and after the activity.
You could listen to my audio ‘Awareness’, a short body scan. Notice where tensions lie and use your breath to help let it go—observing the mind's capacity to grow and change. Being more present and less caught up in what was or what will be, especially on difficult and overwhelming days.
Be kind to yourself,